Saturday, January 7, 2012

DIY: Longer lashes

Unfortunately, not everyone is born with super-long and thick lashes... Luckily, we can do a lot in order to give our lashes more length and volume. You have probably already heard some tips to increase the looks of your lashes, but I will show some of the most helpful ones! Let's hope they work...

What? You probably would not expect this, but Vaseline appears to be a problem solver for your short lashes! It improves the condition of your lashes which makes them thicker and prettier. At night, after you removed your makeup (which is a must for a pretty skin), apply some Vaseline to your eyelashes with the aid of your fingers or an old, clean mascara wand. If you do this every night, within a few days your lashes will look thicker and prettier!

Black and brown
Combining different colours of mascara can help to make your lashes look thick and long! First put on the brown-coloured mascara which will make your lashes look thicker, afterwards apply the black mascara at the tips of your lashes to make them look even longer!

Buy a new mascara every three months
Mites and bacteria love to settle in your mascara. Yieks! (If you dare, google demodex folliculorum). I am a 100% sure you do not want this creep on your lashes, so use a new mascara every three months, even if you have only used it once! Also, if you notice chunks or a strange smell earlier, throw the mascara away. I know, your wallet does not like that, but the bacteria will make your eyes itch and your lashes break earlier. And be honest, what's worse; even shorter lashes or a little more spending?

Choose the right one
In order to get great lashes, use the right mascara for your lashes. If they are short, use an extending one. Thin? a thickening one. Straight? one that curls your lashes! For pretty much every type there is a solution, you just have to find it! My favourite mascara? The Colossal from Maybelline NY. It helps my lashes to look longer and spreads them equally, without chunks!  

Are you satisfied with your lashes or will you be trying this out?


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