Wednesday, June 6, 2012

DIY: Protect yourself well

In the Netherlands, and probably also in other countries, we assume too quickly that the sun is not so harmful. You are wrong! Now it is June, the sun arrived (well, for a week, now it changed its place again for the well-known rain), and you are not supposed to leave your house without a cream that contains an SPF (Sun Protection Factor). Yeah...  I know this, is what you are probably thinking now. But believe me, I still know way too many people that do not protect themselves properly!

Probably you will not notice the effects of the sun when you are young, besides being a little sunburnt. But when you are aging wrinkles will show up at places you did not protect against the sun. I am sure you do not want your face and cleavage to be wrinkled when you are twenty-five! Also you have a higher risk of getting cancer when you are not protected against the sun. This is why I will tell you the 5 most common mistakes concerning sun-glare!

Too little sun-glare
You probably think that you are protected against the sun once you put on a little sun-glare in the morning. However, you should distribute the cream generously and repeat it several times a day, especially when you are transpiring or swimming! Use a special sun-glare for your face, preferably one with a higher SPF!

No sun-glare on a cloudy day
If the sun hides behind the clouds this does not mean that the UV-radiation does not sneak through the clouds! And if you burn, the abovementioned is more likely to occur to you! You do not want this to happen, so make sure that you are protected every day!

You think that a high SPF protects you all day long
You are so wrong! Whether you use SPF 8 or 50, after approximately one and a half hour you need to protect yourself again! However, you are less likely to burn when you are covered in a higher factor!

You do not choose the right combination
When you buy your sun-glare, you should make sure it protects you against UVA- and UVB-radiation. Both can cause sunburn! Besides this you also need to be careful when you are using a sun-glare that you opened the year before. The durability limit of it can be exceeded; the factor can be reduced or even disappeared!
Keep your head in the game!
Even when your head is covered with a lot of hair you should protect your scalp! If your scalp burns this does not only hurt very much, it also increases the chance of a heatstroke! You can use a normal sun-glare for your scalp but your hair will probably get a little greasy. There are special sprays for your hair and scalp, but you can also wear a scarf or a hat on your head!

If you protect yourself with SPF 30 and afterwards with SPF 15, this does not mean that you are protected with SPF 45! Sun-glare is no addition-game! You can better choose a higher SPF than a lower one! You'll get a tan anyway (this is why most people do not protect themselves!), believe me! And once you are burnt, you will not be able to enjoy the sun anyway!

How do you protect yourself against the sun?


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