Saturday, June 30, 2012

DIY: Fast for 24 hours!

As you may have noticed, it has been a few days since I've posted something. This is a result of a hectic week in which I had to set up a 24 hour program for 30 students, who joined me with a 24 hour fast at school. We did not eat from Wednesday June 27, 14:00, to Thursday June 27, 14:00. We sought sponsors (family, friends, neighbours, etc.) and raised money for KiKa, a Dutch organization that fights for children with cancer. Do you want to know how we survived these 24 hours? Or are you planning on fasting yourself? Then read this!

Tip one:
KEEP YOURSELF BUSY! As long as you keep doing something, you will be fine and not think about food. We organized some workshops in which we could participate in the afternoon, played a boys vs girls competition, watched soccer, played werewolves (the game), watched movies etc. This will help you a lot!

Tip two:
Drink a lot! Water and tea can really still your hunger, but make sure you do not drink too much because that is something your body cannot handle!

Tip three:
Organize it well. Make a rough time schedule and make sure that you have enough to do, that you have enough games, that your organize a scavenger hunt and more. Of course you do not have to stick to the schedule precisely, but then at least you know what to do when everyone is getting bored.

Tip four:
If you may eat again after these 24 hours, make sure you do not eat junk food or any other food that contains a lot of grease. You better start with something light, like fruit or a salad. Your body needs to adjust to the fact that it is getting food again! Also you will notice that you will drink a lot the days after, which is good!

I noticed that we eat a lot more than necessary, because I did not feel really hungry these 24 hours. We mostly eat because we are bored or either in the company of other people (like on a birthday). This 24 hour fast for children with cancer really opened my eyes. And more important, we had a really nice time and  I felt appreciated for all the work I did to make this happen. We raised 570 Euros, with only a few classmates, which the school will double. So again, everyone who participated: I am proud of you!

Thanks, and enjoy.

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